
Running with "the Runs"


This was supposed to be my hometown run.  After doing the Goofy, the Miami and the New Orleans Rock-N-Roll, I was looking forward to staying home and running my hometown streets.


In the beginning of the year, I set a personal goal: To run 12 major marathons, half marathons or triathlon events this year (whether formal or unofficial).  Running the National full would be my 4th race and on track to make my goal by year's end.

Last year's National had a surprising twist.  Since I had a good track record with the race (this is my 4th year running it), I expected it to be more of the same.  Boy was I WRONG.


And I was facing some obstacles.  In Haiti the ground was too damaged and the skies too dirty to run.  I was very strict with only drinking bottled water, but I had to eat the food.  Whenever you go to a third world country, you come home, but the bug stays with you. So, I had come back with a mild fever and well the "Runs".


When I started to feel weak, I realized that villagers all over Port-au-Prince are facing immense difficulty everyday. Coming back from the trip gave me all the inspiration I needed.

I was also very glad that my friend, Chris, who just the day before I suggested he join me in his first marathon was making a good time and feeling invigorated.


I felt inspired, but still felt ill, both gastrointestinal and a slight fever that precipitously got worse by the minute.  I remembered that I had to pace my friend Tammy for the Umstead 100 Endurance Run near Raleigh the following weekend.  I wanted to be healthy for that run and also run this week to prepare for it.  So while last year I started out with the half and finished the full, this year was just the polar opposite.

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